Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Favorite Flash website

My favorite flash website is www.wix.com because it is a flash website that users can use for free to display their portfolio.


The best designed object in my house is the cup.  I use it everyday and it is as simple as possible and that is what makes it the best designed object in my house.  Also almost everybody uses a cup of some sort and this makes it one of the best designed objects in every household.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Response to Benjamin’s concern about the fate or art in the age of mechanical reproduction

I strongely agree with Benjamin's concern about art in the age of mechanical reproduction and that is will be decided about what kind of politics are going on at the time.  This is evident in Shepard Fairy's work with the Obama campaign.  Even though this was very simple and even stolen, Shepard Fairy became extremely popular because of the politics that is involved.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Flash website

The website that I really enjoyed and caught my eye the most is the Marc Ecko website.  This website is very interesting in many different ways.  The color choice is very minimal with the use of the grey scale.  Also the visual hierarchy is very pleasing.  The way in which they created the website in a animation navigation way is very fresh and new to me.  Also navigating through the website is very fun and very interactive.  The main page is the most visually attractive, but once you get into the rest of the webpage is seems to fade away a little bit


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Favorite places to travel

Below is the top three places I like to travel
1. Chicago
2. California
3. Music festivals

Below is the top three places I like to travel to
