Monday, December 13, 2010

Warhol Foundation Threatens to End Financing of Smithsonian Exhibitions

Warhole foundation is pissed off at The Smithsonian because of a recent video that was taken off because it offended Catholics.  Should this be allowed and is this freedom of speech?  Very interesting.  Who has the power to take things off like this and when does religion get in the way with art.

Spraybottle sustainable  This is a bottle that saves on plastic by only needing one spraybottle pretty cool
Cool Website on design must see!

GOOD Design Daily: OK Go's Interactive Urban Romp

This reminded of Hatch colletive and social interaction

Baltimore - Nina Simone

fluffhead tshirts

Famous band Phish has a song all about prescription pills!

OSOM Graphic

Medicaid Patients sell pain pills to drug dealers

This a awakening article on how Medicaid Patients are selling pills to drug dealers.  "You need to tell doctor you need to go up to 90 (pills) 'cause ... you've been taking three a day and you ran out earlier," he says.
  Old people get free pills and them for more.  Is this wrong or just playing the system?  The article also talks about how older people are selling urine to people that are on probation.  Is this your grandfather or grandmother doing this.  WOW!
Read more:

Mexico equals Cheap Prescription Pills

Many Americans are going over to Mexico to get cheap prescription drugs.  Is this bad or good?  Prescription drugs are 80% more in the U.S then Mexico!  Is this causing crime in America and abuse. Is America losing money from this?  Is this a dangerous way to get your prescriptions?  Are the prescriptions the actual recipe to make the drug?
This article brings up the question of how doctors just give away pain pills for any type of injury.  What happen to just giving aspirin for pain?

Drug Ad

Is prescription drug ads harmful?new york times article

Prescription Heroin?

Article talking about treating Heroin addicts with actual heroin.  Should this be allowed?  Will this increase drug use because of how available this drug will be or is it a good idea so it would be safer since everybody will do it anyway?new york times article

SAINTS VS. The Vicodins

Great article about how the NFL team The New Orleans Saints were caught giving team players vicodin pills!!!  This gives the NFL a bad name and also brings up the question of prescription abuse among athletes.New York Times article on prescription abuse

An E.R. Doc Learns the Economics of Street Drugs

New York Times article  Interesting article on how a doctor noticed that more heroin addicts were emerging because the price of oxy's are getting more expensive.  This shows a positive impact and negative impact because that means that prescription pills are harder to get, but street drugs are easier to get and less expensive


Prescription drugs on killing spree, abuse the cause

great article on abuse." It isn't just addicts abusing these drugs. Doctors are also abusing them by how freely they are prescribing them."Abuse of prescription drugs

Creating Green Jewelry- Turn a Target Pharmacy Bottle into Wearable Art

Following the simple step-by-step instructions in How To Create Green Jewelry you can see how easy it is to upcycle plastic and turn it into jewelry. Upcycle? That's taking 

 something that might be thrown away and redoing it into something new. Wth a few extra steps and a lot of imagination, you can do plastic proud by transforming simple upcycled creations into Wearable Art.

Why Upcycle Plastic-

Earth day just passed; and if you tuned in to the many documentaries, news programs, or even theOprah show dedicated to cleaning up the planet, you might have heard a common theme. Plastic is a pretty big problem. We know it stays in landfills for maybe hundreds of years; but it's at the bottom of the ocean too, an underwater "landfill" about the size of Texas at least. Sea animals are getting caught in plastic six pack rings and feeding on our plastic garbage like food.

Plastic is a big problem, and not all of it can be recycled into new products; so why not figure out something nice to do with it besides pitch it in the garbage.

Pretty Plastic-

Your quest to create upcycled wearable art begins with a constant eye out for pretty plastic. Try Fructis hair products if you love neon-style green. You can find spray Cleaning products packaged in an array of colors from deep blue to orange. Shampoos and lotion bottles come in shades of lavender and white. Collect the plastic containers you find most attractive. (don't forget to recycle the rest) Soak and soap the labels away and cut them into useable pieces.

For something special, look to your local Target pharmacy for an surprisingly pretty plastic find. In their own unique style, they've done away with the drab brown plastic bottles available just about every place else; and they've replaced them with an angular vial in ruby red plastic with a lavender or red rubber neck ring quite useful for creating interesting jewelry.

What you need-

-You will need jeweler's assembly tools, pliers, wire cutters and round nosed pliers

-A pair of scissors

-A manual hole punch or something to punch a neat hole through plastic (A nail or screw perhaps)

Lighted Prescription Bottle

This is a cool sculpture I found out of prescription bottles that uses them as a chandelier. illuminated-prescription-bottle-art

21 Ways to Recycle Empty Prescription Bottles

1. Store seeds inside the bottles and then label the bottles according to the seeds they hold. Seeds that need to be kept cold can easily be placed inside the fridge in these bottles.
2. Glue several bottles next to each other and use the glued collection on your desk as a storage system for all your tiny things: rubber bands, paper clips, hair pins, needles, nails, bolts, screws, matches, etc. Or just place some fresh flowers inside to brighten up your office.
3. If you need a coin holder to place in your purse or your car, place your loose change in the prescription bottles. No more looking everywhere for change especially if you need to pay the toll.
4. Use these bottles to store Barbie’s high heels, jewelry etc.
5. Donate your empty prescription bottles to your local vet, animal shelters, Some places will take prescription bottles and reuse them to fill prescriptions for the animals.
6. Some free clinics also take empty prescription bottles and reuse them. Ask if you can donate yours to the free clinic in your area. Right now North Point needs large prescription bottles.
7. Homeless shelters sometimes take empty prescription bottles. Call your local homeless shelter to find out if they do.
8. Makes a nice rattle/toy for cats (not babies). Put some dried beans inside and close it tight. Then let them play.
9. If you like to paint decorative pieces and buy paint in large sizes to save money you can transfer some paint to these small containers to work on one or two projects at a time without using up all the paint or letting it dry up.
Note: I have read in several places that it is not wise to use prescription bottles for any kind of food storage due to the residue that some prescriptions leave behind so please use caution if you decide to use any of the food storage tips below.
10. Here is an early valentine gift idea that involves reusing brown prescription bottles.Susan from Houston, TX fills hers up with chocolate kisses, relabels them “Rx for a Happy Valentine’s Day, lots of hugs and kisses!” and then gives them to the people she loves.
Caution: Putting candy in a prescription bottle can confuse a child. Please be careful about where you place these reused prescription bottles and your real ones. Children can’t tell the difference between one and the other.
11. Turn prescription bottles into saltshakers. Paint the bottles or leave as is. Poke tiny holes in the caps then fill them with salt or pepper and use them as saltshakers.
12. If you pack salad for lunch a prescription bottle is a tiny storage place to store some salad dressing.
13. You never know when your clothes will rip or you’ll loose a button. A Mini Sewing kits would come in handy in a case like this. Some prescription bottles are big enough to store some needles and thread and maybe more.
14. A tiny emergency kit for a cut or scrape can fit in a prescription bottle: band-aids, cotton balls, q-tips and some tiny alcohol wipes.
15. Use to neatly store plastic bags in your purse in case you suddenly need a plastic bag, say during a car ride with someone that tends to get motion sickness
16. As part of a quilting tip quilt designer Mark Lipinski suggest to store thread spools in prescription bottles to prevent it from tangling. See how here.
17. Melt them and make them into jewelry. This is supposed to be a fun kids craft. For instructions on how to melt certain types of prescriptions bottles go here.
Note: I do not know what kind of pollution this release in the air. For less air pollution maybe they can just be cut into pieces.
18. Make tiny maracas
19. Store buttons, beads and other small craft items in these bottles.
20. Make a Snowman Christmas Ornament out of a prescription bottle. For directions gohere.
21. If you live in Canada you can contact PHARM-ECOLOGICAL ON-LINE!. They work with pharmacies to recycle plastics including prescription bottles.

Infographic: How Color Affects Our Purchasing Habits

how-color-affects-our-purchasing-habits/   I thought this was a great infographic on color theories!  Makes one think before they shop and also what kind of shopper they are

Transparency: Being Fat Will Literally Kill You

This is a osom infographic that shows how being fat will kill you.

Gas Prices Hit Highest Level in Two Years

Sweet guerilla tactics for raising awareness of the expensive gas prices!!!!!

USA Today reports:

Nationwide, a gallon of regular unleaded gas averaged $2.977 on Friday and more than $3 a gallon in 20 states. That's up nearly 10 cents the past week and 34 cents higher than December 2009, AAA spokesman Troy Green says.

Benchmark crude oil opens today at $88.37 a barrel. If crude crosses $90 for the first time since 2008 and continues to rise, as many industry experts forecast, the average price of regular unleaded could hit $3.15 or higher by year's end.

Gasoline is already at or near that in California, Connecticut, Maine, New York, Rhode Island and Washington.

Of course, compared to other countries, the price of gas here is still incredibly cheap, largely because our gas tax is so low. I'm actually an advocate of putting a $4 floor under gas prices with a variable tax, so we would have less driving and more money for infrastructure and public transportation projects, and people could better estimate the savings they would enjoy by buying a Leaf.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

homeless question

Vote for Question A means:

1. There will DEFINITELY be slots in Anne Arundel County;
2. They will DEFINITELY be at Arundel Mills;
3. The casino MAY or MAY NOT be built directly into the mall;
4. The license will DEFINITELY stay with Cordish Companies;
5. There will DEFINITELY be 4000 new jobs opened up;
6. Laurel Park and Pimlico MAY close down (and if so, 15,000 people MAY lose their jobs, but if so Cordish MAY buy and restore the tracks if the State of Maryland claims the facilities under the power of eminent domain);
7. And there will DEFINITELY be a lot more traffic on Route 100.

Vote against Question A means:

1. There still MAY be slots in Anne Arundel County;
2. They will DEFINITELY NOT be at Arundel Mills;
3. Laurel Park MAY be able to get them under these conditions:
* Penn National Gambling (affiliated w/ Laurel Park) sells their Perryville license because by law they cannot have two separate casino locations in Maryland;
* Bidding for the license is reopened and Cordish is stripped of it;
* Laurel Park wins the bid, which they lost the first time because they tried to legally dispute the initial contract fee rather than paying it;
* AND Laurel residents who oppose the slots at Laurel Park cannot prove that the section of BW Parkway immediately adjacent to the racetrack is under federal jurisdiction and therefore the location is not technically within 2 miles of 295 (as required by the zoning law);
4. And due to the uncertainty of slots actually being in Anne Arundel County, there MAY or MAY NOT be 4000 new jobs created in the county.

Things I couldn’t figure out:

1. Are there any other viable locations for slots in Anne Arundel County besides Laurel Park if Question A is defeated?
2. How likely is it that, if Question A is defeated, that bidding for the license would be reopened?

Slots are inevitable in Maryland, but something to think about if voters don’t get their desired results in the next few years:

***The revenue MOST LIKELY will be allotted to the Maryland Educational Fund and various other funds, but the money MAY only supplant funds that can be rerouted to other interests. In other words, there’s no guarantee the slot revenues will actually mean more money for whatever interests you support, be it the teachers, firefighters, or police.

origami shelter

this is a very interesting take on homeless houses

origami shelter

this is a very interesing take on homeless shelters

Homeless shelter package design

design brief

To address the social issue, homelessness. Address it in a public installation. To make signs suitable towards homelessness and to raise awareness of the problem. Take on the idea of Question A to question the viewer whether or not voting for question A could be a positive for homeless people or negative

Target Market:
Anyone that drives or goes to Arundel Mills and or votes

$20 for paint supplies and free cardboard for signs

Poster design and a cardboard box made into a house

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New York Times article review

Eyes on the Prize | Design That Does Good

This article is very interesting and brings about many questions and answers. The article talks about people that are designing for a cause and answer rather then making something that looks cool. The most interesting one that they discuss is about how a designer is making sanitary napkins out of banana leaves because of cost and also that is very earth friendly. Also someone design a bottle that turns saltwater into freshwater for people stranded at sea. This article inspires designing in many ways, to think about what people need and how to design something that will change society for the good and also be conscience of the sustainability of the product.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Social issue

cool ad about children being burnt in mexico, must see

Denver Water Launches New Water Conservation Campaign Created by Sukle Advertising & Design

interesting on how Denver hired a ad agency to have a impact on water conservation through videos, internet, and  print.

Water Conservation Surcharge

This is a interesting article on how the Penang government is charging people for excessive use of water.

Social Design Project

Title – Toilet Water Waste

Format – Poster Design to make people more aware of flushing toilets and the waste that it causes

Target Market  Anyone that decides to use a bathroom, public or private

Schedule – 3 weeks

Objective – To make a design suitable towards bathrooms to make people aware of toilet water waste. Go into bathrooms in a guerrilla way and tape posters all around the bathroom to make the user notice the poster.  Place the posters in multiple bathrooms so many people will see them and make them aware of the waste of water when they use the bathroom for something that doesn’t really need to be flushed

Message – Don’t waste water

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

NY Times article The Guardians of America’s Front Lawn By KATE TAYLOR Published: September 8, 2010

Ny times article
This article caught my eye instantly.  The Guardians of America's Front Lawn are a group of people that decide whether or not a object will be place on the National Mall or not.  This article is very exciting because they are talking about how much money they have recieved to commision a project or design to be place on the Mall.  I believe that would be every American's dream to be able to design some sort of memorial or object to be place in Washington D.C.  There has been many rumors on what is going to be built in the area, but the article is mainly talking about how long it takes to give the go ahead to put something on the mall.    This makes me think what really deserves to go first and why and also who will be in charged of designing what ever is put in place.  Will this design be open to the public?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Innovation reading

This reading is mainly talking about the efforts of IDEO to design things that are innovative and creative. This was very informative in how they leave your mind open to new things and give great examples of how to convert small ideas into actual designs. They talk about how one great way to come up with ideas is to just observe yourself and others and they gave a great example a the designer of the elliptical trainer got the idea by watching his daughter running. After reading this I got the idea that you want to think of a great idea before anyone by noticing peoples needs and trends.


September 2, 2010, 7:00 AM

Social Media Are Easier Than You Think

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

NY Times article "Hinting That It's Good to Be Bad" 8/30/10 B2

This article is about how americans view privacy matters.  I think alot of young people blogs and post many things about themselves and dont realize how it may affect them later on in life.  When you post pictures of you and your friends engaging in activities that may be frowned upon by employers or people that gives you a bad name.  They also talk about how people are totally open to surveys and dont take the time to see if what they are writing is public information.  I am a very literal person and speak the truth about many situations, but the internet scares me to a point.  Even on facebook I dont give my birthdate and it is funny when people give me birthday wishes when it isnt even my birthday.  Also my brother is so scared of the internet that he doesnt even use he actual picture on facebook.

What is Social Design

My view of social design is when you design to help social issues or to make society aware of certain issues that are affecting the lives of people in the world.  Also it is a way of networking with others to come up with designs.    Social design may include creating something that will have a impact on a certain social issue.
  A very interesting website I found was Inventor of the Week, a cool website about the latest inventors and how they are impacting social issues and how they are designing them.  A great social designer for our time!!!!!!!! is Deborah Adler with her great design with Target for medicine bottles and how these affected her grandmother.
A great social designer for our time!!!!!!!!
The Creators Project (interesting event on designing)

The Social Network (movie about the creator of Facebook)  This movie is coming out soon and looks very interesting because it shows how the creator of Facebook came to fame.
P.S the aliens did not invent velcro this guy did George de Mestral
This guy is a must see for social design right now.  He is the ultimate guerilla artist for social change in America right now.  I just saw a documentary on him on television through the Ovation channel and it is called Popaganda.  He has a website where you can see his work.   This guy has inspired me for my next social project.